Zomba City

Rich History and amazing geography

The Centre for Social Research is located in the ‘university city’ of Zomba in the Southern region of the country with a population of about 105,000 residents. Zomba is the Malawi’s fourth largest city after the Capital City Lilongwe, Blantyre and Mzuzu. It is famous for its historical heritage captivating geographical scenery. It was the country’s capital city during the British colonial era and home of the King’s African Rifles (KAR). Shadowed by gigantic Zomba plateau, Zomba has all to see for adventure and within driving distance to the famous lake Malawi and other places of attraction.


The Gymkhana Club: Old Residency of the first colonial era British Commissioner to Nyasaland


World War I Memorial Tower at Cobbe Barracks: Home of King’s African Rifles (KAR)

The Zomba Plateau and the Ambiance

The CSR sits at the foot of Zomba Plateau providing a refreshing environment for academic voyages of exploration. At the top of the Mountain rising 6000ft high, are a variety of historical and fascinating features including the three-star Ku Chawe Inn, the Mulunguzi dam which supplies fresh water to the entire Zomba city, the Trout Farm, the Emperor’s’ View, the Queen’s View, the Chingwe Hole and numerous others all with their histories.


View of Zomba Plateau from University of Malawi (Pic. bmanada@cc.ac.mw)


The Mulunguzi Dam, refreshing waters on Zomba Plateau


Sun bird Ku Chawe Inn: A cool home on Zomba Mountain (Pic: UNIMA Website)

Academic environment

The CSR is hosted by the University of Malawi, formerly Chancellor College of the University of Malawi, famed for being the home of intellectual engagement. A banner with the inscription “Welcome to Chancellor College: The Home of Academic Freedom” hangs high on the entrance of the main entrance of the university marking the ‘remind’ of all fights in defence of intellectual engagement and how the freedom is jealously guarded. Everyone in pursuit of knowledge and exchange of ideas will find UNIMA a welcoming home.


University of Malawi: The Home of Academic Freedom (Pic. bmanda@cc.ac.mw)