
CSR values the strength in partnership and collaboration. Over the past four decade of its operations, CSR has partnered with and provided its expertise to various Ministries, Department and Agencies, UN agencies and international agencies, and international and local non-governmental organisations. Some of its key partners include:


Government Departments and Agencies

  1. Ministries of Gender, Health, Economic Planning, Agriculture and Education

  2. The Anti-Corruption Bureau

  3. The National Statistical Office

  4. The Malawi Electoral Commission

  5. The National AIDS Commission

  6. Lilongwe Water Board


UN Agencies and International Agencies

  1. UNDP


  3. UN Economic Commission for Africa

  4. World Bank

  5. USAID

  6. AfDB

  7. CDC

  8. UK Aid

  9. ILO


Local and International NGOs

  1. World Vison

  2. Plan International



Research institutions

  1. UNC

  2. ICAP at Columbia University

  3. Measure Evaluation

  4. OPM

  5. IDS UK

  6. LSHTM

  7. Afrobarometer

  8. University of Ghana

  9. Makerere University