Witness Olex Tapani Alfonso is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Research of the University of Malawi. He holds a Master of Arts in Development Studies degree obtained from the University of Malawi in 2018 and Bachelor of Arts degree from Mzuzu University obtained in 2012 and he is currently studying for his PhD at the University of Malawi. Mr Alfonso is an expert in both qualitative and quantitative research designs, fieldwork management, and data analysis. He has over 10 years’ experience in designing and conducting both quantitative and qualitative research including evaluations in Malawi and Southern Africa.
Prior to joining the Centre for Social Research, Mr. Alfonso worked as a Senior Research Associate and Team Leader at the Institute of Public Opinion and Research (IPOR) for 7 years. At the Centre for Social Research, he is leading the Poverty and Economic Wellbeing research area. His other expertise and research areas include, rural development, poverty reduction, political economy analysis, Adolescent behavior and sexual reproductive health, migration, democracy, governance and education. He is also a member of the Malawi Afrobarometer research team where he serves as a Fieldwork Operations Lead.
Mr Alfonso has vast experience and skills in research and has worked on research projects with both local and international researchers and organizations with exemplary results. Some of the organizations include Centre on Human Trafficking Research and Outreach (CenTHRO), at the University of Georgia, Ethical Tea Partnership, Centre for Evaluation and Development (Germany), Durham University, World Bank, Samuel Hall International, African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC, Kenya),University of Notre Dame (USA), University of North Carolina (USA), Programme on Governance and Local Development at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Overseas Development Institute, M&C Saatchi World Services, Girl Effect Malawi, Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA), Afrobarometer, UNICEF Malawi, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education.
Most recent projects:
Consultant: Evaluation of Ethical Tea Partnership/WOW’s Payment for Eco-systems in Malawi project, November-December 2024
Co-Investigator: Malawi Electoral Commission Baseline survey. Malawi Electoral Commission December 2023-March 2024
Co-Investigator: Baseline of Prevalence of Labour Trafficking among the youth and young adults in Malawi and Zambia. Centre on Human Trafficking Research and Outreach, University of Georgia (2023-2024)
National Consultant: Piloting of the Practical Guide for a State-led Gender-Responsive Reporting Mechanism for Migrant Workers in Malawi. Samuel Hall International. December 2023
Co-Investigator: Effectiveness of conditional cash transfers, subsidized child care and life skills training on adolescent mothers’ schooling, sexual and reproductive health, and mental health outcomes in Burkina Faso and Malawi: The PROMOTE Project randomized controlled trial protocol. 2022-2024. Supported by APHRC
Alfonso, W.T., and Tsoka, M.G (2025) Amid growing food insecurity, Malawians favour alternatives to Affordable Inputs Programme. Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 944. Afrobarometer
AD946-Malawians-favour-alternatives-to-Affordable-Inputs-Programme-Afrobarometer-10feb25.pdf -
Alfonso, W.T., and Chunga, J.J (2023) Malawi youth agenda faces priority of ‘wisdom of the elders’ and limited political participation. Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 624. Afrobarometer
AD624-Malawi-youth-agenda-faces-barriers-Afrobarometer-30march23.pdf -
Kabiru, C.W et al. (2023). Effectiveness of conditional cash transfers, subsidized child care and life skills training on adolescent mothers’ schooling, sexual and reproductive health, and mental health outcomes in Burkina Faso and Malawi: the PROMOTE Project pilot randomized controlled trial protocol. Reproductive Health Journal.20.166
https://rdcu.be/dqLuK -
Chirwa, G., Dulani, B., Sithole, L., Chunga, J., Alfonso, W., and Tengatenga, J., (2021) “Malawi at the Crossroads”: Does the fear of being infected by Covid-19 affect the propensity to vote? European Journal of Development Research 2020
Malawi at the crossroads : does the fear of contracting COVID-19 affect the propensity to vote? - EconBiz -
Barden-O’Fallon, J., Evans, S., Thakwalakwa, C., Alfonso, W., and Jackson, A., (2020) Evaluation of mainstreaming youth-friendly health in private clinics in Malawi. BMC Health Service Res 20,79.
Evaluation of mainstreaming youth-friendly health in private clinics in Malawi