CSR, University of Edinburgh explore partnership opportunities

The Centre for Social Research (CSR) of the University of Malawi and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, are exploring partnership opportunities where the two institutions could collaborate in conducting research in a number of areas. Representatives of the two institutions met at CSR offices in Zomba on Monday this week to identify the potential areas of collaboration including the four thematic areas that CSR currently focuses on. The four thematic areas include democracy and governance; poverty and sustainable livelihoods; social and cultural dimensions of public health; and youth, gender and disability.
International Development Research Manager the University of Edinburg, Dr Conor Snowden, said it is high time universities and research centers moved towards more international collaboration on research projects because collaborative efforts, including research works and authorships, offer more credibility and produce more results through synergies.
Snowden added that he has noted a number of areas that his University can collaborate with CSR through the four thematic areas which he said provide a wider scope for collaboration and properly align with his university’s research interests that include migration, global health, among others.
CSR Director, Associate Professor Chrissie Thakwalakwa said the meeting had come at the right time when the institution, together with the newly reconstituted University of Malawi, is forging a new direction such that international partnerships will go a long way in achieving this dream.
Snowden is in the country for a weeklong visit during which he has a had a number of meetings with the leadership and heads of different departments at the University of Malawi. Further discussions will follow to formalize this partnership.